Freitag, 28. Januar 2011

Walking With Dinosaurs

Preis : EUR 29,68

This review is from : Walking With Dinosaurs [2 DVDs] [UK Import]
traumhaft: Fossilien zum digitalen Leben erweckt .

Wenn man immer daran denkt, dass es sich hierbei um sehr phanthasievolle fiktive Ansichten handelt, ist dieses Werk excellent geeignet, sich die Welt der bislang nur mit fossilen Abdrücken im Gestein oder als Knochenberge in Museen erfahrbaren Dinosaurier sehr lebendig vorzustellen. Computeranimation in Verbindung mit einer genauen Vorstellung, wie die Flora und Fauna vor Millionen von Jahren gewesen sein muss, ergeben ein sehr interessantes Gesamtbild. Die DVD bietet (wie so oft) zusätzliches Informationsmaterial zB über die verschiedenen Methoden bei der "Nachstellung" der Lebensumstände verschiedener Spezies. Dies geschieht zB durch Einblendung von Szenen mit Handpuppen oder Zeichnungen für die Computernaimation samt erklärenden Texten in den laufenden Film.
Walking With Dinosaurs [2 DVDs] [UK Import] Reviews
Show me someone who's not fascinated by dinosaurs and I'll show you a liar .

Dinosaurs are awesome. Everybody knows that.If you are fascinated by dinosaurs, traditionally you had two options: Either read about them in scientific (or popular-scientific) books, picking up a lot of knowledge about them but limited to a lot of text and a few still images, leaving most of what dinosaurs are like to your imagination. Or watch movies like "Jurassic Park" or IMAX features, with impressive animated dinosaurs but a lot of artistic freedom and sensationalism, and little in the line of actual information."Walking With Dinosaurs" combines both: Scientific soundness and breathtaking imagery. A lot of work has gone into rendering the dinosaurs as lifelike as possible, their forms, their textures and their movements. The backgrounds have been chosen carefully and beautifully too. This series is suitable to be played back on a big screen on loop, just for the images. We get a lot of close-ups, majestic, cute or scary. Three hours of eye candy, if you are so inclined.The scientific angle is well represented too. Not only do you learn a lot about how dinosaurs lived and behaved, you also get extensive background information about climate, botany and evolution. If I have one criticism about the series, I would have liked even more of those background informations: charts of plate tectonics maybe, temperature diagrams, and occasionally a word on how scientists know what they know about dinosaurs. But I suppose a conscious decision has been made to structure "Walking With Dinosaurs" just like a documentary on contemporary animals.In short, I recommend this DVD to anyone who is interested in dinosaurs. Which, as I said, should be just anyone.

Product Image

Product Details

EAN : 5014503101626
Weight : 1 pounds
Height : 1 inches
Length : 8 inches
Width : 6 inches
Actor : Kenneth Branagh
Audience Rating : Nicht geprüft
Binding : DVD
Format : Vollbild
Manufacturer : 2entertain
Number Of Discs : 2
Publisher : 2entertain
Region Code : 2
Release Date : 2000-05-15
Running Time : 180
Studio : 2entertain


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